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  Claudia Sinatra is an architect, urban designer and researcher with degrees from the University of Ferrara (MArch hons) and the London School of Economics and Political Science (MSc City Design and Social Science). She is a licensed architect in Italy (OAPPC Catania) as well as a member of the Academy of Urbanism - Young Urbanists Network, SIA + Frau and Lares - Verein für gender- und alltagsgerechtes Planen und Bauen.

   Always fascinated by the intersection of art, urbanism and sociology, her work investigates territories through the lens of everyday interactions between people and places. In her approach, visual narratives and urban research are integrally connected to design within the pursue of a critical debate around communities and places. Claudia also curates an independent illustration project Onironautica - an exploration of complex human emotions and the ordinary.

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